
Improvisation as Initiation

Improvisation as InitiationImprovisation as Initiation

Dawn Nilo Basel


Ein interdisziplinäres Impro-Labor


    Update 06.12.: Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen muss der Workshop am Samstag, 07.12. leider entfallen. Über einen Nachholtermin werden wir hier zeitnah informieren.

    Deep dive workshop description in English (find a short german description below):

    At the edge of the senses there is an experimental laboratory where improvisation and performance become tools for a journey further into embodied reality and into the unknown at the same time. In this workshop you will see, hear, taste, smell, feel, think and move deeply. Through exercises adapted from consciousness studies, theatre, performance and dance, you will experiment with improvisation to initiate yourself into extraordinary realms of your own being. From the dynamic energy of your body to the echoes of your innermost thoughts, every sensation will become a canvas for your imagination. Out of this experience of all-and-no time and space, you just may find yourself performing beyond your usual limits, whatever they are. Absurd, tender, intense, raw and at times simply funny.

    The work is about exploring the depths as you navigate and perform existence from the inside out. Move, make noise, speak, walk, sing and dance until it becomes an inspired interaction with the world of everything outside your skin and your thoughts. Reflect on the experience and contemplate how to better intuitively craft it into conscious performance. This workshop laboratory seeks to support you at the edge of your own personal unknown, and to help you hone your awareness and skills once you get there. 

    Open to everyone over 18 regardless of experience
    11:00- 16:00 with a lunch break (bring your own lunch)

    Please bring comfortable clothing for movement and interest in the progress everyone in the group. For those who attend the workshop there is also the possibility of performing in a residency work showing at the end of February.

    Von 11:00 bis 16:00 Uhr. In englischer und deutscher Sprache. Bitte bequeme Kleidung mitbringen.

    An der Schnittstelle zwischen Theater, Performance, Tanz und Bewusstseinsforschung werden in diesem Workshop die eigenen Sinne erforscht und herausgefordert. In der Interaktion mit anderen wird unter Anleitung der Künstlerin Dawn Nilo gemeinsam improvisiert und reflektiert. 

    Anmeldung bitte an mitmachen@theater-roxy.ch

    Dawn Nilo explores the opposites of knowing and not knowing as intelligent-absurd-naiveté. Her solo, interactive and group performances focus on the precise execution of pure, raw and improvised play. For the past 20 years, she has been learning to activate and extend the conscious awareness of the embodied sensesas a visual artist, performer, meditant, educator, fool, clown, soul alcehemist and very hobby philosopher. She has a Master in Fine Arts, a Master in Education and a Bachelor in Social work. She has exhibited, performed and given workshops in America and Europe since 2007. She was a finalist for the Swiss Art Awards 2020 and was nominated for the Swiss Performance Art Award in 2017.
